Are you Team Edward or Team Jacob?

Hey guys some of you might be wondering if you should side with Jacob Black or Edward Cullen in their fight for Bella. If you do, this quiz is for you!

Side note: If you haven’t read the books, you might get confused. So if you didn’t, read them-NOW-and come back reading the short second life of Bree Tanner!

Created by: Lucy Rascal
  1. Hey guys!
  2. What is your Hogwarts house?
  3. Ok, I was off-road
  4. What is your favourite twilight book?
  5. Your favourite male Cullen?
  6. Female Cullen?
  7. Ok! Favourite werewolf?
  8. Vampire or werewolves?
  9. Bella or Edward?
  10. Carlisle Cullen or Sam Uley?

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Quiz topic: Am I Team Edward or Team Jacob?
