Are you taking this just cause your bored?

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Sorry about that, li9ke you must be I'm very bored and just did this for no reason at all, i'm so sorry about this, so please don't stalk me down and kill me

Like I said on my last paragraph please don't kill me, I have a life to live and I don't want it to end, I love my family too much, please don't please

Created by: Sexy
  1. What do you do when your bored?
  2. What do you love the most?
  3. What would you do if the next question was a filler?
  4. Filler
  5. Favourite type of joke?
  6. Guess what's next?
  7. Favourite game?
  8. Told you it's not a Filler XD
  9. Filler
  10. Did you know that even the fillers add up to your final score?

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Quiz topic: Am I taking this just cause my bored?