Are you symapthetic?

Are you sympathetic? That's all the quiz is asking. Okay? Good. Alright. Well, enjoy, have fun, have a great life, eat pizza, watch movies... yadayadayada.

Pizza. (I must add two beginning paragraphs, each 150 characters long, if I want to make this quiz. so stop reading. now. just quit reading RIGHT NOW!!!)

Created by: Weirdhead
  1. My great-grandpa, other great-grandpa, grandma, and great-grandma died.
  2. Three of my six birds died.
  3. I really really want a pet guinea pig but my brother's allergic.
  4. My favorite color isn't identified as what it is.
  5. I don't have all the books in either of my favorite book series!
  6. I added all the questions I wanted to but I have to have ten!!!
  7. This and the following questions have no effect on your score.
  8. ……………………………….
  9. ................................
  10. BYE!!!!!!!!!

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Quiz topic: Am I symapthetic?

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