are you spolied ?

There are some real spolied people out in are world. Havn't you wondered why? I have. Something else i always wanted to if I was one of them. I was never quiet sure if I was.

At the end of this quiz, you will find out a little more about you. like how spolied you are, and how you get along with others. also, you might just find out that you are one of those spolied people.

Created by: Michelle

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. wat phone do u hav
  2. wat kind of music holder do u hav
  3. how many pets do u hav
  4. do u hav a tv in ur room
  5. wat kind of tv is in ur room
  6. do u hav a phone in ur room
  7. do u get evrytin u want on ur christmas list
  8. wat was ur sweet 16 lik
  9. wat was the worst gift u got
  10. will u believe the answers at the end of the quiz

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Quiz topic: Am I spolied ?