The awesome yaz

Your personality determines how you are in the real world. It doesn't matter who you are but how you prove what your inner person is! The quiz says all!

What personality are you? take this quiz and see who you really are! Quiet and shy? Fun-loving and free? or just that plain old miserable boot that does nothing?

Created by: Yaz

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You see a little kid running and he trips over and starts crying, the parents don't notice. You...
  2. You go into a music store and head straight for what type of genre?
  3. You are invited to a poolparty, you immediately...
  4. Your into a girl/ guy that you have been crushing on for awhile what do you do/ say?
  5. Someone says something mean to you..
  6. Someone is being very mean and you need a comeback, you...
  7. You go on a date with someone and take them...
  8. Your mum tells you that you can't go out and play 'till homework is done, you...
  9. Your little brother is crying and it's all because you hit him a bit to hard when play fighting, you...
  10. You are watching T.V and an ad comes up looking for actors, you...

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