Are you smart quiz

Ever wondered if you are smart? Although this isn’t perfectly accurate, this will help you get a good idea of where you are on the spectrum, and where you belong compared with your classmates.

This is my first quiz, so don’t judge me too harshly is it’s horrible of I will have a mental breakdown and nobody wants that. Don’t judge me!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Pandapearfelix
  1. What’s your age?
  2. What are your grades?(or what were they if you don’t have school)
  3. Do you struggle?
  4. Do people say you aré stupid being literal, though not joking.
  5. Do you fell like you need help in school.
  6. Do you like this quiz
  7. Should be the last question?
  8. Why are you taking this quiz?
  9. Are you fat
  10. How do you feel about this being the last question?

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Quiz topic: Am I smart quiz

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