Are you SMART or DUMB

this test will tell you if you are very smart or very not get mad about your scores.this is a easy test but sometimes it can be harder than you think.

I think really this is a test that shows if your smart.But you can just be good at if you get 100% because you guessed. tell your friends you got a 100% because your smart.

Created by: Ryan Poulos
  1. what is the square root of 225?
  2. what does exquisite mean?
  3. what is the capital of Russia?
  4. what is 896 time's 13?
  5. are warts contagious?
  6. what color is the hottest type of fire?
  7. what is the 8th farthest planet from the sun?
  8. you will kill a worm if you slice it into halves?
  9. will two magnets with positive charge connect?
  10. this is a ______test

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Quiz topic: Am I SMART or DUMB

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