Are You Smart? Another Awesome Quiz By Bubbles ^-^

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Are you smart? Are you? Take this test to find out. I bet you are. I'm 10 and I passed this. So you should. Please comment when you are done taking this awesome quiz by Bubbles

Are you smart? Are you? Take this test to find out. I bet you are. I'm 10 and I passed this. So you should. Please comment when you are done taking this awesome quiz by Bubbles!!!!!

Created by: Bubbles1774

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. 50í—15=?
  2. Paul had 20 apples.He gave some to Sally. He now has 14 apples. How many apples did Paul give to Sally?
  3. Paul had 20 apples.He gave some to Sally. He now has 14 apples. How many apples did Paul give to Sally?
  4. What is the next three symbols? $#%&$#...
  5. What does the ? stand for? @#$*@?
  6. What is the 11th symbol? *$&*$...
  7. What is 140í·5?
  8. 800í—6=?
  9. Beutiful. Is this speller right? ( this is so easy)
  10. What does the X represent? Xí—5= 100

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Quiz topic: Am I Smart? Another Awesome Quiz By Bubbles ^-^