Are You Smart?!

A few of my friends wanted to see if they were smart and I wanted to make a quiz! I hope my results correct sorry if I made a few mistakes quizzes aren’t always right!

Okay okay I’m not working today and tomorrow is fine too but I’m going out of my class today to see what the time works is I can do that you know I am

Created by: EVIL_DEVIL
  1. First of all lets see what grades you have gotten
  2. What is 3x16
  3. This one is really hard. What is the correct spelling
  4. Now for science! When we have cold water and hot water in a cup and we drop food colouring in what will happen!
  5. I am throwing a little riddle in here- This won’t count if you get it wrong. A cowboy rode into town on Friday, stayed for three days and came back on Friday. How is that possible
  6. Are you in primary school, high school or OlderIf you are in prep or Kindergarten you shouldn’t be in this quiz!
  7. Do you do your homework
  8. What country do you need to take your shoes off and replace with slippers for walking inside?
  9. What is the correct grammar There is 2 correct answers
  10. What grade are you in?

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Quiz topic: Am I Smart?!
