Are you smart????

This quiz is to tell you how smart you are when it comes to book smarts. This does not mean you are dumb. I love all of you and you will learn how to take this quiz next.

Answer the questions according to the truth to get the correct answer. We all make mistakes and learn in life. Yo can be whatever you want to be. Never be ashamed of yourself.

Created by: Iloveme
  1. What are your grades like.
  2. Do people always ask for you help?
  3. Do teachers ask you for things.
  4. What is 34+35?
  5. Do you think you are smart
  6. Can you read
  7. Y=
  8. What year will it be when I am 30. P.s I'm 11 as of 2021.
  9. What sound does a dog make.
  10. Did you enjoy the quiz? Does not count towards answer.

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Quiz topic: Am I smart????
