Are you slim, curvy, chubby or just fat?

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This quiz is made to show you, wich type of belly you have. There are different possible results. Maybe you're fat, but maybe you are slim or somethin beetween that. Find it out yourself!

This quiz is about an interesting toppic. It would be nice of you to try it out. The quiz is designed for women. It dosn't consider any types of health injuries.

Created by: Random_Dude
  1. How much times do you eat per day?
  2. If you leans forward, does you're belly forms rolls?
  3. How often do you eat fast-food per week?
  4. Do you workout?
  5. How good can you see you're foots when you look straight down?
  6. What are the comments about you're belly?
  7. How high is you're BMI?
  8. Did you enjoyed this quiz?
  9. Do you have big breasts and a big bottom?
  10. Have you problems by walking up stairs?

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Quiz topic: Am I slim, curvy, chubby or just fat?
