Are You Singaporean Enough?

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How Singaporean do you think you are? Are you Singaporean enough? This is a test of knowledge to determine how Singaporean you are! Answer a series of questions that will tell you how Singaporean you are!

You love Chicken Rice don't you! And Durians, even though they aren't allowed on public transport lest our first world image be tarnished! And you avoid Priority Seats like the plague!

Created by: Singaporean
  1. You are driving in a neighbourhood (for example, Toa Payoh Lorong 5). Someone stands by the roadside waiting to cross the road. He has seen your car approaching from a distance. You -
  2. You are driving on the expressway. Six car lengths ahead of you, a vehicle swiftly filters into your lane. You -
  3. Your friend and you are walking side by side on a pavement. A woman walks towards you from the opposite direction. You -
  4. You plan to take the MRT. At the gantry, you realize that you have forgotten to prepare your EZ-Link Card. You -
  5. You are at an event. Someone (either a fellow Singaporean or a foreigner, it doesn't matter) suggests that a certain aspect of Singapore or Singaporeans isn't that great after all. You -
  6. You are having a conversation. Someone tells you that rampant and unnecessary consumerism is harming the environment, because that new phone or laptop or IT product or electric appliance you upgraded to means that more rare earth minerals will have to be mined out of third world countries, destroying whole ecosystems and accelerating the extinction of rare species. You point out that -
  7. You are having a very prosaic conversation with some acquaintances about some very prosaic topics of great import to the global economy. You explain that it is -
  8. You are doing a work presentation/having a conversation at Starbucks with your friends. You -
  9. You and your fellow senior managers attend a meeting. A junior executive in your company or statutory board is presenting some data and diagrams. You -
  10. You spot a minor irregularity in suburban utopia. You ask -
  11. You are a middle-aged or old person. You need some help locating a place. You -
  12. You read an article about a Singaporean (or someone born in Singapore) playing a minor role in a west end play or tv serial or doing well in a TV quiz show. You -
  13. You are a Singaporean who is very concerned about the environment. You -
  14. You are a upper-middle class Singaporean. You spot a cleaner. You -
  15. You are a highly-talented scholar-bureaucrat who wants to cultivate a sense of community in the erm, local community. You -
  16. You are a highly-talented scholar-bureaucrat who needs more money-burning, self-aggrandizing, short-lived projects to add value to your portfolio before you are parachuted off to the next one. You -
  17. You are a Singaporean Chinese person. Your favorite animals are -
  18. You are a Singaporean with a sense of humour. You laugh at -
  19. You are a Singaporean. You are proud of -
  20. Someone creates a disparaging survey about Singaporeans online. You -

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Quiz topic: Am I Singaporean Enough?

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