Are you really Greek?

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Take this quizz if you're not sure how much Greek are you. It works pretty much like DNA test but it's more accurate. Good luck gyftoboulgaraki!! Opaaa

Why do i need a second paragraph?Para poly para poly thn kardia mou taksideueis s'allh gh para poly h agkalia sou me trelainei ki opou bgei para poly Pq

Created by: Thracian girl
  1. Have you ever been to Greece?
  2. What's your name shawty
  3. What does malaka mean?
  4. Have you been to Samos?
  5. Do you know any Greek dances?
  6. Milas ellhnika;
  7. In which answer the word is translated correctly?
  8. Do you like Pantelis Pantelidis?? (THIS WILL NOT AFFECT YOUR SCORE)
  9. I have to write two more questions so yeah.What does OMG mean?
  10. Savvato xaramata pros thn Axerousia...

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Quiz topic: Am I really Greek?
