Are you really Greek?

This quiz is to determine how Greek you actually are. There is a lot more I could have added to this quiz , so if you actually are Greek , don’t feel bad if you don’t do good.

If you are not Greek and you get a high score , welcome to the community!!! You will definitely survive in Greece , you will learn a lot by being there.

Created by: Stella Keramidas
  1. Are Greek curse words in your everyday vocabulary
  2. Do you get threatened with a koutala , pandofla , belt, or hand?
  3. Have you ever lit someone’s hair on fire during a Pascha service?
  4. Do you have a hard to pronounce first name or last name
  5. Do you get force fed whenever going to a relatives house
  6. Do you randomly start greek dancing out of no where
  7. Do you use lemon for everything?
  8. Do you say OPA at least once every day ?
  9. Do you use olive oil for everything???
  10. Is baklava Greek or Turkish??

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Quiz topic: Am I really Greek?
