Are you really from Michigan??

Thar are many geniuses in this world are you a genius on Michigan or a dumbo on Michigan take this to find out!!! GO LADY GAGA SHES AWEsOME!!! So do u like pie I hate thi it too long so I have to put this sorry!

Michigan state Michigan state Michigan state Michigan state.....what????? Is this sposed to say something??? I hate writing!!!! Go lady gaga!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Kimmy da Koolsta
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When does it start snowing in Michigan usually?
  2. When does it usually STOP snowing?
  3. How much does it usually snow in Michigan?
  4. What is the capital of Michigan?
  5. Is Hell a place in Michigan?
  6. When does it begin to get hot in Michigan?
  7. Which of these cities are in Michigan?
  8. Which of these is NOT a city in Michigan?
  9. What is a law in Michigan? (only 1 REAL spelled right answer...)
  10. Do u like lady GaGa ?(if u don't know who she is select idk)
  11. Am I a nice person? Do u like me?

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Quiz topic: Am I really from Michigan??