What is your age? Under 18 Years Old 18 to 24 Years Old 25 to 30 Years Old 31 to 40 Years Old 41 to 50 Years Old 51 to 60 Years Old Over 60 Years Old What is your gender? Male Female What's a troll? A mythical character, kinda like Shrek Someone who posts something to get a reaction A person from the lower peninsula Those little dolls... the ones with the spiky hair Say "ya" to the what? Anything, dude! I'm up for anything... Da yoop, of course! I never say ya to anything. You betcha. A pasty is... Something worn in place of a top, for, um, modesty Kinda like glue, only different A tasty meat-pie never to be eaten with gravy I have no idea. Why would you ask? The Porkies are... A bunch of pigs, man The Porcupine Mountains, in da Yoop A kind of pasty You called me what??? Name the five Great Lakes Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Whitmore Michigan, Burt, Superior, Erie, Ontario Huron, Michigan Superior, Erie, Mullet Huron, Superior, Ontario, Michigan, Erie Name the five Great Lakes Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Whitmore Michigan, Burt, Superior, Erie, Ontario Huron, Michigan Superior, Erie, Mullet Huron, Superior, Ontario, Michigan, Erie Is it Boblo, or Bois Blanc? Boblo Bois Blanc What? Both! Is it Mackinac or Mackinaw? It's Mackinaw. It's Mackinac. Neither is right! It's both, depending on what you're naming! University of Michigan, or Michigan State? State! U of M! Central, of course. Anything's better than Ohio State! Vernors... ...is an amazing ginger ale, though not as good as it used to be ...sounds like a square on a board game What? Yes, please! What anatomical shape is the lower peninsula? There's a LOWER peninsula? What's a peninsula? I know it like the palm of my hand! It's a foot, of course. Lions, Tigers, or Bears? Lions.. Tigers... Bears... Redwings, silly. There are copper mines in Michigan. True False Copper? That's an alloy. Who cares? Wyandotte... Why-n-not? A suburb of Detroit A suburb of Lansing Home of Eastern Michigan University A2 is... Some sort of geeky equation How should I know? Ann Arbor Home of the victors. CMU is... ... a university in Pittsburgh ...home of the Marching Chips! ...a great place to get an education ...Central Michigan University What's a "Michigan outhouse?" Um... an unhandy place to use the bathroom? A place to smoke venison Ice fishing shanty Garden shed 75 is ... past retirement, that's for sure! ... a good temperature in the summer ... a fast ride from Mackinaw to Detroit! ... the speed limit, state-wide There are two seasons in Michigan. They are: Winter and Fall Summer and Spring Winter and Spring Winter and the 4th of July Houghton or Houghton Lake? Houghton, if you're Finnish Houghton Lake for fishing Neither, silly Why bother? What is "Tip-Up Town?" A ghost town in da Yoop A town where everyone is upside down The ice-fishing "village" on Houghton Lake in the winter Duh? Finally: the DNR are... ...Department of Natural Resources ...The guys who act like God's big brother ... a "do-not-resuscitate" enforcement team I have no idea