Are you really emo? Or a poser?

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This is a quiz about being emo. Do you wonder if your really emo, or a poser? I'm an emo, so I know the difference between emo and a poser. Have fun!!

This tests results will be accurate. So if you really want to know, don't lie. Your only fooling yourself, and you won't see satisfied. Don't cheat yourself.

Created by: White Wind
  1. Do you cut yourself?
  2. Do you hate yourself?
  3. Do you like music?
  4. What type of music do you like?
  5. Do you think your emo?
  6. And last, why are you taking this quiz?
  7. Ok that's not last. Do you like to express yourself?
  8. If so, how?
  9. Do you believe in fate?
  10. And actually last, choose a word.

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Quiz topic: Am I really emo? Or a poser?

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