Are You Ready to Take on the CRE8IN8 Running Challenge?

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CRE8IN8 is an annual fundraising running challenge which will take place on the 8th - 15th of January 2023 to help raise funds for Create Charity's workshops.

Participants must run for 8 consecutive days and can choose between 3 distances; 800 Metres, 8KM or 1 half-marathon a day. So... Are you ready to take on the CRE8IN8 Running Challenge? Do this quiz to find out!

Created by: Natalia of Sign up to CRE8IN8!
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your favourite type of workout?
  2. Are you new to running?
  3. Have long do you train each day?
  4. Who do you like to run with?
  5. What do you know about the weather forecast for your next run?
  6. What do you wear while running?
  7. Which distance sounds most fun to you?
  8. What do you enjoy about running?
  9. What do you do after you run?
  10. OK last one... Have you signed up to the CRE8IN8 Running Challenge?!

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Quiz topic: Am I Ready to Take on the CRE8IN8 Running Challenge?

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