Are You Ready to Skip a Grade?

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You will be learning if you can skip a grade with questions that actually make sense. Have a great try and remember that none of this is to make you feel bad. Or stupid. If you have a bad score please be kind so that others won't get mad too.

Great luck and keep learning friend! You should definitely try and do things in the world if you want and you should rate and comment if you'd like. Have a great day!!!

Created by: August of How to get smarter
(your link here more info)
  1. What is 200x 68
  2. What is the definition of inexorably?
  3. What is the word that matches this definition?Savagely cruel and mean
  4. Do you like to read?
  5. What is 49x69?
  6. What is your favorite hobby?
  7. How often do you study?
  8. What do you usually do after school?
  9. What is your favorite color? (doesn't affect the score) And there's multiple schemes and shades too.
  10. What is your favorite sport? (doesn't affect score)

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Quiz topic: Am I Ready to Skip a Grade?
