What Grade should I be in Quiz

This is just a fun quiz to see which school grade you would be in, please remember that this is just for fun!!!Remember that this won’t always tell you your actual grade so please be mindful of that

Please also be respectful in the comments and remember not to be abusive to others, I hope that you enjoyed it and will show this to your friends thanks!!!

Created by: Cecy Normin
  1. 2+2
  2. 5 cubed
  3. Is this a simile?: She is the wind
  4. What does 65% chance of rain mean?
  5. Is a Cell Wall only in an animal cell?
  6. How old are you?
  7. Is their anything wrong with this sentence?
  8. Who wrote war horse?
  9. 2 squared
  10. What grade are you in?
  11. Who is Russia in a war against?
  12. (-5)+10-6+1

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