Are you ready for a bearded dragon

There are many people in the world who want a bearded dragon but don't have enough knowledge to keep one and look after one after doing research come here and test your knowledge

The question is are YOU a bearded dragon genius? don't forget to check out other peoples bearded dragon posts to see if you are really ready for a bearded dragon

Created by: samantha

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How long can a adult bearded dragon get?
  2. Which one of these are NOT a bearded dragon morph?
  3. At what age can a male bearded dragon be sexually mature
  4. what does it mean When your dragon puffs his or her beard out and it turns a dark almost black colour
  5. What is the average Life Span for a bearded dragon
  6. What is the name of the illness bearded dragons get it they digest sand
  7. What is the minimum of gallon tank do you need for a full grown dragon
  8. What do you need bearded dragons an hour before live food?
  9. Where are bearded dragons from?
  10. Select the "Safe" bugs to feed bearded dragons

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Quiz topic: Am I ready for a bearded dragon