are you a good bearded dragon owner

this quiz is great and teaches you a lot of stuff about bearded dragons if you score badly do some research and then do the quiz again!

are YOU a genius on bearded dragon will it be your next pet????????

Created by: lara

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. how big is the smallest tank you can have for a fully grown bearded dragon?
  2. how big does the average bearded dragon grow?
  3. where can you get your feeder insects from?
  4. how long does the average bearded dragon live?
  5. how many discovered breeds of bearded dragons are there?
  6. what type of lids can you use for a bearded dragon tank?
  7. what type of lighting do you need for a bearded dragon cage?
  8. if you have several bearded dragons should you put them in the same tank?
  9. if you have another tank of lizards should you put them in the same tank as a bearded dragon?
  10. select the toxic thing to bearded dragons

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Quiz topic: Am I a good bearded dragon owner