Are you random?

There are many funny people, but few true random people. Randomness is, afterall, quite exeptional. What is randomness? Randomness is someone who has an extroardinarily weird mind, is able to say things that have nothing to do with anyhing, and see the world through an entirely goofy point of veiw.

You might be random, but are you certain? I don't think so! Just take a look at this totally AWESOME quiz, and you'll find out in just a couple of minutes!

Created by: 0987654321

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Hello, my fellow burritos.
  2. So, do you like cheese?
  3. What color is your hair?
  4. Do you happen to have a pet dinosour?
  5. *clears throat* Chicken.
  8. Porcipuines.
  9. Let fate decide.
  10. Last question. Did you like my test?

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Quiz topic: Am I random?