Are you quite based?

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Based people in this world are a very low amount of people because social media is very good at brainwashing people who stumble in the woke s--- unaware of the horrors behind the absolute horrors of the Internet and the terror that lies within.

Are you based? Maybe you are maybe you aren't, but I don't care, as long as you are atleast a little based you will eventually become the ultimate based man on the planet and will succeed in everything in your life. So let's find out if you are based or not and take this quiz.

Created by: Cigachad
  1. Do you support LGBTQ+?
  2. Do you play video games?
  3. When have you last climbed a tree?
  4. Do you mouth breathe?
  5. Is you're name a western name? (Jeffrey, James, Daniel, David, Michael, Thomas, Joseph, Sarah...)
  6. What do you eat?
  7. Do you workout? (1. Male, 2. Female)
  8. Do you have social media?
  9. Do you have tiktok?
  10. Do you have dating apps?
  11. Do you watch anime?
  12. You insult a kid and he starts coming slowly towards you indicating he's about to push and punch you, what do you do?
  13. What is your religion?
  14. Your mom or everything that you love?
  15. Do you like Andrew Tate?
  16. Do you believe toxic masculinity exists?

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Quiz topic: Am I quite based?

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