[-Gigachad Test-]

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Welcome to the ultimate gigachad test/quiz where from your choices we can see if you're a man who works out or a submissive guy who is brainwashed by social media.

Before you take the test we'll tell you that just because of a quiz it doesn't mean you're a submissive guy or a masculine role model, if you really want to be a man just improve in real life.

Created by: Adonis
  1. Do you indulge in instant gratification?(junk food, videogames, social media)
  2. What does your physique look like?
  3. What is the ultimate goal of these companies that host social media apps like Twitter and such?
  4. What are the goal of communities like LGBTQIA+ or Feminism?
  5. What religion are you?
  6. What would you do if you saw 2 Feminists on the streets?
  7. What is something a masculine man holds?
  8. How many pushups a day should you do when you start working out?
  9. What is something that makes a man instantly attractive
  10. How to deal with bullies?
  11. Imagine you're in a situation where a building is on fire and someone is inside, what would you do?

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