How evil are you?

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Evil is a concept that has been debated and defined by philosophers, theologians, and thinkers throughout history. Generally, evil is considered to be a morally reprehensible and harmful action or intent that causes pain, suffering, and destruction. It is often associated with malevolence, cruelty, and violence, and is seen as the opposite of goodness and morality. Evil is often characterized as a force that corrupts individuals and society, and its effects can be felt on a personal and global scale. Some believe that evil is inherent in human nature, while others see it as a product of societal and environmental factors. Despite its complexity and various interpretations, evil remains a prevalent and disturbing reality in the world, and has influenced countless works of art, literature, and religion.

Evil still exists today, let me give you a few quick examples of evil. LGBTQ, Feminism, Blm, Social Media companis and more. Maybe you are evil too! If you wanna know if you are evil, just take this test and find out.

Created by: Gigachad
  1. What gender are you?
  2. Do you support anything like LGBTQ+ or Feminism?
  3. Do you think toxic masculinity is real?
  4. Is donald trump a bad racist person?
  5. Do you eat junk food?
  6. What religion are you?
  7. What is the most important thing in the world?
  8. Do you have tiktok?
  9. Do you watch Wednesday?
  10. Do you vape?
  11. What is better, dogs or cats?
  12. Would you kill someone to get anything in you're life?
  13. Lastly, is andrew tate a good person? (If no opinion then form one)

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Quiz topic: How evil am I?
