are you pretty enough

There are pretty, ugly, sorta kinda pretty people in this world, have you ever wondered which you are? all you have to do is take my wonderful and quiz and ill let ya know

Are you pretty? Do you think my quiz will be accurate enough to let you know the truth? take the quiz and youll find out if you are pretty and if you are worth dating

Created by: allie

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. what do you wear when you go out to eat?
  2. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
  3. do people speak to you in school?
  4. are you a virgin
  5. do you think youre are pretty?
  6. if you answered yes to the last question then why are you taking this quiz?
  7. do you smile a lot
  8. are you in highschool?
  9. if you could be like one celeberity who would it be?
  10. how old are you

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Quiz topic: Am I pretty enough