Am I Ugly Or Pretty

To see if you are ugly or pretty you have to see if you are one of these. Ugly mean your not good looking and pretty means that your good looking anyway take a test to find out of you're ugly or pretty, just a simple question

You you ugly or pretty, do girls/boys look at you, have you ever had people calling you ugly or pretty? To find out if you are one of these, please take a test and see your result

Created by: Joseph

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do You Look Into The Mirror All The Time
  2. Do You Love Yourself
  3. Do Girls ever kiss you before
  4. Do People Look At You A Lot?
  5. Do You Think You're Ugly
  6. Do Girls Loves You Cause Your Looks
  7. Do You Want To Be Famous
  8. Do You Have A Long Nose?
  9. Do Your Mom Calls You Pretty Al The Time?
  10. Do You Get Mad When Other Girls/Boys Are Prettier Than You
  11. Do Hang Out With Friends A lot

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