Are you pretty?

This is just a fun quiz to try see how pretty u r! Ur stunning anyway and u don"t even need a quiz to tell u that!! I myself gets if u don"t feel pretty but just know u r stunning anyway even with ur result!!

Also so sorry if i messed up the quiz or offended anyone while they were taking this quiz it is my first quiz i"m making!!! Also i noticed the order of questions was wonky so sorry again!!!!

Created by: Maddie
  1. Do u feel confident in your self?
  2. Do u wear makeup?
  3. Whats ur hair color?
  4. Whats ur eye color?
  5. Whats ur face shape?
  6. What face accessories do u have?
  7. What hair type do u have?
  8. Do u have acne?
  9. Do u excersise?
  10. Do u wish to be a famous person?

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Quiz topic: Am I pretty?
