Are you pretty ????

There are many pretty people but are you one of them lets find out :) i do not not know what to write so sorry and yeah but i know youll enjoy the quiz

so this quiz is gonna tell you if your pretty or not and trust me it is a fair quiz so dont worry i had friends help it is fair so enjoy the quiz bye

Created by: Brooke
  1. Ok, do you have something on your face.....
  2. what color eyes do you have?
  3. what do you like abouit your self?
  4. what do you usually where ( like when you hang out with friends and stuff)
  5. is your body shaped yet??
  6. what about that hair you got girl friend wow! you are looking beautiful :) But how bout that hair?
  7. do ever smell good?? (sniff sniff)
  8. do you got a boyfriend???
  9. are you fat??
  10. do you shave?? (legs arms pits... other aeras)
  11. are your lips usually chapped?
  12. do you drink lots of water

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Quiz topic: Am I pretty ????