Are you Preppy??

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Lets see if you're preppy you are going to love this Quiz this just for fun and I hope you love it in case you want to know I made this on 8 24 23 (=12345!!

This Quiz is made by an 8 year-old by the way i had a Bad day at school today but don't think you really care about my day anyway I'm gonna stop being sad(=!

Created by: Lauren
  1. What is your favorite Colour
  2. What is your gender
  3. Which clothes do you wear most of the time
  4. Are you giggly
  5. Is your name Maira
  6. Are you Dating
  7. Do You Like the Movie Frozen
  8. Whats your favorite Music Genre
  9. What is your main emotion
  10. What Would your Friends Describe you as

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Quiz topic: Am I Preppy??

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