Are You Pregnant?

Are You Pregnant? Here are some early signs of pregnancy. Be careful though Some people think they're pregnant when it's just their period. So make sure to take some tests!

!Just have that feeling? Well Take this quiz and maybe I'm right! I hope you enjoy this quiz and have a wonderful and fantstic day! !

Created by: DirectionerDUH

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you noticed you've been more tired than usual?
  2. Do you have abdominal cramps?
  3. Is Your Vaginal Discharge a milky or clear color?
  4. (Kinda Awkward) Have You Noticed Nipple Darkening?
  5. Have You been craving strange foods lately?
  6. Have You been bleeding (Down there)?
  7. Have you been having mood swings?
  8. Have you been Urinating more than usual?
  9. Have you been feeling nauseous lately?
  10. Have you missed a period?
  11. Have certain smells made you nauseous? (Smells that you liked before)
  12. Have you felt movement in your lower abdamin?
  13. Are Your Breasts very Tender/sensative?

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Quiz topic: Am I Pregnant?