Are you popular?

This is a quiz about how popular you are! Take it as you may! :D Please rate it from ?/100 if you may. And comment too! Now go ahead and get started with it!

And please, please, please don't blame me if it's inaccurate! If it is can you type in the comments, and rate it! I want to know how I can improve it!

Created by: NekoChan_
  1. How much friends do you have?
  2. OMG! A boy asked you out on a date! What would you do?
  3. It's prom day! What are you gonna wear?
  4. Have you ever been asked out?
  5. Have you ever been to prom before?
  6. How old are you? (Just asking!)
  7. Who do you tell most of your secrets to?
  8. Do you like this quiz so far?
  9. Do you have any pets?
  10. Last, but not least: What is your personality type?

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Quiz topic: Am I popular?
