Are you Galinda Upland or Cat Valentine

Are you cat- the sweet, fun, bubbly, loving, perky, ditzy, joyful, sweet girl who loves pink, giraffes, unicorns, potatoes, and pasta. If you’re Cat you should be happy

Or are you Galinda, the cool, popular, funny, popular, loved, popular girl who can’t stand it when others get attention. She loves pink. Whoever you get be happy

Created by: Beatrice
  1. hiiiii
  2. Are you excited
  3. What are your favorite colors
  4. How old are you
  5. This quiz is fun
  6. Are you nice
  7. Describe yourself in three words
  8. What g-word action do you do more than the other
  9. What’s your favorite imaginary animal
  10. Favorite food?
  11. Hope you had fun! Byeeee

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Quiz topic: Am I Galinda Upland or Cat Valentine
