What Victorious girl r you?

Hi do you like victorious, are you a girl, well do you wanna find out if you are sassy jade west, fun tori vega, naive Trina vega or ditzy cat valentine

just answer the qweschuns sorry about my typos dont come after me and kill me for all that junk and stuff this is one of my first quizzes so im soooooory.

Created by: Lola
  1. hi y'all
  2. What’s your fave color
  3. What is ur favorite fud
  4. Which of these r most like you
  5. Pick
  6. Pick an animal
  7. Pick a boy to go on a date with
  8. Who are you in your friend group
  9. Almost done, r u sensitive?
  10. Flaw
  11. Bye bye

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