are YOU on my silly standard?

oi! did you come here to try to find out if it's my standard of beauty or not? cool! (please don't feel sad about the quiz if you didn't get a certain score, you are cool

well, be happy and start the quiz! if you want, go on my instagram ask to follow me, lol, ill follow you back, i promise, grgrgrg (@markoppy) if you don't want to, that's fine :D

Created by: felixlikeflowers
  1. how old are u?
  2. how tall are you? (in cm bc im not from usa)
  3. do you like cats?
  4. what is your nationality?
  5. hair color?
  6. what about your hygiene?
  7. are you...?
  8. do u know kpop?
  9. ima boy, so, what is your sexuality?
  10. what about your gender?
  11. your style of music?
  12. well, the quiz is ending, what do u think about it?
  13. how would you describe yourself? (be sincere
  14. do u have a piercing or tattoo?
  15. how big is your hair?
  16. do you have a beard/mustache/goatee?
  17. be honest, do u smoke?
  18. skin color?
  19. your fitness?
  20. how many times have you been in a relationship?

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Quiz topic: Am I on my silly standard?
