Are You Obsessed With Your Phone?

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Do your parents or friends ever tell you that you are obsessed with your phone and/or devices? Well, it is time to test that theory! How long could you really go without a screen?

Be honest! If you aren't honest, then you can't see any habits or things you might need to change about your time on TikTok. Please like and comment, I would love some feedback!

Created by: Still_Slytherin.7572
  1. What do you do when you wake up?
  2. What kind of phone do you have?
  3. How long can you go without a screen?
  4. What do you do first when you come home from work/school?
  5. What is the best part of vacations?
  6. What is your dream job?
  7. What is your favorite app?
  8. How many TikTok followers do you have?
  9. What do you like to binge?
  10. Final question, what is your favorite activity?

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Quiz topic: Am I Obsessed With my Phone?
