Should You have a Phone

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Maybe you're too young? Maybe you should get a phone right now! Take this quiz and find out if you should have a phone. Remember to be truthful so you can have a truthful answer

I know everyone wants a phone but you should really think about if you really need one. It's up to you to decide. A phone is a responsibility, take care of it.

Created by: Sofia Young
  1. Do you do your chores?
  2. Are you truthful???
  3. Do you spend more time on screens than you should? ( phone,tv,iPad.ext)
  4. Do you listen to your parents or friends?
  5. Do you HAVE to contact people?
  6. Do your friends have phones
  7. Does your parent(s) want you to have a phone
  8. Are you gonna go on social media a lot?
  9. Would you go on your phone or do your homework?
  10. Do you think you have earned a phone?

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Quiz topic: Should I have a Phone
