Are you obsessed with the Hunger Games

Great, hello, hello! Glad you are reading this and/or reading the hunger games! I hope you will enjoy doing this quiz as much as I enjoyed making it!!!

Great, hello, hello! Glad you are reading this and/or reading the hunger games! I hope you will enjoy doing this quiz as much as I enjoyed making it!!!!

Created by: Hunger gamer
  1. Who is your favorite character in the hunger games?
  2. What is your favorite part in the hunger games (book one)
  3. Is the hunger games the "new" twilight or Harry potter?
  4. Which was your favorite book?
  5. (girls only) do you LOVE peeta/josh hutcherson????
  6. Have you read the books or watched the movie?
  7. Would you volunteer for your sibling, so you would go in the games?
  8. Are you a guy or girl?
  9. Do you think your crazy about the hunger games?
  10. Are you sad about rue dying?
  11. Is katniss lucky?
  12. Are you in to boys/girls
  13. Who is the enemy in the games?

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Quiz topic: Am I obsessed with the Hunger Games