Are you nice, mean or in the middle?

Hello! Welcome to my quiz! Have you wondered if you're nice or mean? Maybe some people say you are nice, or even mean, BUT is it really true what they say?

This quiz might not be 100% accurate, but it'll help you know if you are slightly more on the mean side, or the nice side, or maybe in the middle. Hope you enjoy! :)

Created by: MysticGold_17
  1. Your friend got a very expensive, new dress that you've been wanting for months, but couldn't get because of the money. She then tells you it was the last one
  2. A little kid is being bullied by older kids and is very scared. You..
  3. You just got home from school, you can now play video games! But as you're about to play, your mom comes into your room and tells you to set the table for dinner
  4. Your bestie says an embarrassing joke about you, and everyone laughs. You..
  5. You're seated on a bus, but then an old lady walks in, but all the seats are taken
  6. A kid trips and hurts their knee in front of you. You..
  7. Someone comes up to you, and says you're so ugly and they hate you
  8. You're walking in the street, when you see someone drop their purse that has $1000 inside. You..
  9. You and your sister both really wanted the camera you saw when you went shopping, but your dad tells you only one of you could have it. You..
  10. A new girl arrives at your school. She can't find her way to her class. You..
  11. Thank you for taking my quiz! :)

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Quiz topic: Am I nice, mean or in the middle?
