are you neodynium, hydrogen or uranium?

Everyone out there is special in a way many don't know about. You are one of those many many people who is about to find out in this epic quiz. The new quiz.

Are you ready to find out your true self? To reveal your secret that even YOU don't know about? TO MAKE YOURSELF REALIZE ON WHAT YOU MISSED?! Your life will have changed after this one quick quiz.

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  1. How do you feel?
  2. A killer is at your house and you kill him. How do you do it?
  3. Magnet, fire or nuke?
  4. You are in the middle of a forest and are dying from starvation. You spot a deer and make a weapon. What is it?
  5. Which letter?
  6. How do you usually feel these days?
  7. Your a blacksmith on a quest for a captured princess. A man comes along and asks for a sword. You make one and hand it to him. What is it made of?
  8. You hate _____ taste.
  9. Your walking along the streets and saw someone attempting murder. What's your plan of action?
  10. Won't affect your element. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Am I neodynium, hydrogen or uranium?