Are you my boyfriend or not

Alrighty so this is something I'm making purely for my boyfriend, Dylan Mantell. If you're not him then run off you skanky lowlife you don't belong here :D

Sorry Dylan I'm tired and on a time crunch so I don't have the energy nor the f---in brain cells to add much humor to this but it'll all be fine as long as you answer correctly :) no pressure ig

Created by: Lauren the Llamanato
  1. Hey Dylan. Dyl the man. Dylman. King. Homie, my one and only. This is a quiz for YOU and you only, and if I know you well enough (I goddamn hope so), you should get close to 100% on this. Now, which of our nicknames did I leave out for you?
  2. Now, I know that we have a few songs. But which artist has the most songs that are such an "Us AF" moment?
  3. First part of the question about how we got together - WHEN did we get together?
  4. Now, HOW did we get together?
  5. Let's make it a little bit harder!!! What's my favorite shade of blue, Dyl?
  6. What month did I start liking you (tricky)
  7. My favorite musical artist:
  8. What present did I get at Christmas mocking one of the things I'm known to say?
  9. Why did I create that fanpage for you?
  10. And lastly, what are my three favorite physical features of yours (other than the obvious)?

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Quiz topic: Am I my boyfriend or not

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