Are you more like Scratch or Grounder?

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Our iconic duo from sonic the hedgehog (which is part of the sonic the hedgehog 2 movie) would be here and take this survey and see if you are more like scratch or grounder?

Are you going to be scratch or grounder? Take this survey and find out to see yourself as one of dr robotnik’s badniks and have fun with being a badnik and stuff…

Created by: Jeremy Carcaterra
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Which letter is your girlfriend?
  3. What color would you pick?
  4. Red Bird or Blue Bird?
  5. Do you drive a car or truck?
  6. Basil or Dawson?
  7. Spongebob or Patrick?
  8. Mace Windu or Boba Fett?
  9. Are you the nutcracker prince or one of the Mouse king’s henchmen?
  10. Tom or Jerry?

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Quiz topic: Am I more like Scratch or Grounder?
