Are you more like Katrina or Ichabod from sleepy hollow?

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This is a quiz to see if your more like Katrina or Ichabod crane from the 2013 series! So when you see the newer actors don't freak out and if you don't watch the show

don't worry I will explain the characters ... pretty well. Don't worry this is just for you and specifically you to have fun! Also recommend this quiz to your friends... please!

Created by: Emmy
  1. If you saw your friend getting bullied what would you do?
  2. What do you believe in?
  3. How old do you look? (honestly)
  4. (How close)(or) have you ever died?1-5
  5. What gender are you?
  6. Who do you want to get?
  7. Who would you rather marry?
  8. Murder your husband or send your child to an orphanage?
  9. How do you feel about this quiz
  10. You finished!

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Quiz topic: Am I more like Katrina or Ichabod from sleepy hollow?
