which character from The Hollow are you?

hello!! this quiz is about one of my favorite TV shows called The Hollow. are you brave like Adam? funny like Kai? smart like Mira? headstrong like Reeve? lets find out!

The Hollow is a show about kids who wake up in this world, memories erased. its all fantasy and I TOTALLY would say you should watch it if you dont mind it being a little scary for the screamish! XD

Created by: WOF lover
  1. would you want to go into The Hollow?
  2. what would your friends say you are?
  3. if your friend was drowning but no one was around to help you, what would you do?
  4. so, there is a battle with an ice monster that can freeze you with one blast, your friend is knocked out and the monster is coming strait for them, what do you do?
  5. pick a color(s)
  6. you see your friend about to get killed in a battle, what would you do then.
  7. the other team is about to win! do you stop them?
  8. who do you want to get?
  9. your friend is dying in a fire, what would you do?
  10. did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which character from The Hollow am I?
