Are You Moonwatcher, Qibli or Kinkajou?

Here this quiz will determine if you are Moonwatcher, Qibli, or Kinkajou. So here are some questions that you need to answer. You may want to be Moonwatcher...or Qibli...or Kinkaju but it all depends on your answers!

Some of these questions you my not know the answer to, but that's all right! This took me a while to make so I hope you all enjoy it! Now lets get started!

Created by: Wings_of_Fire
  1. What ability would you want to have?
  2. Would you help defeat the Legendary Darkstalker?
  3. Are you willing to fly across the sea to save the Pantalan dragons?
  4. What is your favorite color? (out of these colors that are listed.)
  5. Who would you like to get?
  6. Which queen would you serve for the rest of your life?
  7. What is your Zodiac sign?
  8. What Wings of Fire book is your favorite?
  9. Who would you not like to get?
  10. What type of dragon would you like to be?

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Quiz topic: Am I Moonwatcher, Qibli or Kinkajou?
