Are you lying or are you telling the truth

Are you a lier or are you a truth teller, do this quiz to find out..........................................................................................

Its time to find out if you are lair or not, do this quiz to find out.......................................................................................

Created by: Fred Hamberger
  1. What is the first letter of your name?
  2. Do you like ti lie a lot.
  3. At this point the tester is getting a big book out with lots of questions and now you are getting..........
  4. Have you ever wanted to hurt anyone in any way.
  5. Have you ever took a truth detector before.
  6. At this point the tester takes a break to use the bathroom. While you wait what will you do.
  7. Have you ever been mean to anyone before.
  8. Do you want this test to be over.
  9. How are you feeling about this test
  10. At this point tester closes the book, and says "Thank you for taking this test what did you think about it.'"

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Quiz topic: Am I lying or am I telling the truth