Are you like Sonata Dusk?

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There are lots of funny villains, but are you like awesome funny cool Sonata Dusk from Rainbow Rocks, you will now go and find out how much are you like the awesome Sonata?

You can now find out thanks to my great quiz. Anyway, this is going to be a awesome quiz, no swear words, and I tryed my best even though I am a beginner. (Sonata Dusk made this quiz)

Created by: Sonata Dusk
  1. What is your favourite color?
  2. Are you happy when you are taking quizzes?
  3. Choose who you most like.
  4. Do you like Christmas?
  5. Do you like your voice?
  6. Do you like jokes?
  7. Do you sing karaoke?
  8. Do you like tacos/burecas?
  9. Do you like Adagio being the leader?
  10. Are you mostly happy or sad?

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Quiz topic: Am I like Sonata Dusk?