Are you like me in Roblox?

Hi there, Robloxian! Today, you'll be testing if you're like me or not! All you need to do is answer twelve simple questions, and you'll see your results! Are you an OG, a newcomer, a bacon or a slender?

Warning: this quiz will not be accurate to what you really are in Roblox. This is just an estimate. Sorry if you results are unfair, you can try this test again if you like.

Created by: RosaVanUheg
  1. Are you a bacon hair/acorn hair?
  2. Do you have the Oldschool animation pack?
  3. Do you play Speed Run 4?
  4. Do you have plasma weapons in BOYS VS GIRLS! ?
  5. Are you Roblox Premium? If so, how much robux per month?
  6. Do you have any Cartoony Rainbow items (halo, wings, etc.) ?
  7. Do you hate CnPs?
  8. Are you super rich in Restaurant tycoon 2?
  9. Are you British? (this is not including Ireland, its only the four countries in the UK!)
  10. Have you been banned before for no reason?
  11. How old are you?
  12. When did you make your roblox account?

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Quiz topic: Am I like me in Roblox?
