Are You a bacon hair or acorn hair? (Roblox avatar)

Hello this is a quiz trying to guess if you have bacon hair or acorn hair keep in mind this is my first quiz so its not perfect but not everything is perfect in life

Please when you're done leave a rating or comment because it would help me understand how to improve if you want to im not gonna threaten you or something

Created by: PeZsmistic of please join my guilded
(your link here more info)
  1. How new are you to Roblox?
  2. What gender is your Roblox account?
  3. Has your avatar changed since You got on the platform?
  4. Does your avatar have hair?
  5. Do you have the same avatar as Me?
  6. Do You often get called a "Noob"?
  7. I don't have anymore questions
  8. I need ten questions
  9. Do you know who PeZsmistic is on Roblox?
  10. last question

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Quiz topic: Am I a bacon hair or acorn hair? (Roblox avatar)
